Wednesday, May 11, 2011

mothers day quotes from kids

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  • mac jones
    Mar 12, 05:24 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Also FTR the 60 km radius is old news on Japanese TV, and telling us they are detecting Cesium and outright telling that it may indicate a meltdown doesn't sound like covering things up to me.

    Good. Perhaps we can depend on being kept up to date. The media does it's job, but is a loose cannon.

    mothers day quotes from kids. mothers day quotes for cards.
  • mothers day quotes for cards.

  • 326
    Jun 18, 08:17 AM
    new to the forums but not new with ATT. I used to own a nokia phone thru ATT and have never had any dropped call issues until after they merged with cingular which cingular used to be pacific bell cellular phones.

    Pacific Bell cellular phones I used to be on years ago which lasted no more then 8months tops. Reason being was thier connection reliability was absolute junk. Didnt matter where I was standing the signal strength was garbage.

    So then I switched to ATT not knowing that they two companys would merge a year and a half later.

    During my time with ATT the signal strength was solid, secure and very reliable. Consistant.

    Then the merge happend and the service customer service is where I noticed a significant Nose Dive heading south. Poor Service.

    I continued to my time as an ATT customer being that the Nokia phone was still reliable and the signal strength consistant. Then upgraded to a Motorola flip which was also reliable.

    When I made the move to the iPhone3g is when I noticed my signal strength consistancy begin to weaken. However I love my iPhone so much and use it for everything mobile that its tolerable.

    I am hoping that this new anntenna system thats integrated in the new iPhone4 to put strong signal strength and reliability back into the hands that ATT used to have and be known for.

    Hopefully one day this world will unify as one to focus forward to reach outside of the box, instead of focusing on the $ sign which divides the world into pieces:apple:

    mothers day quotes from kids. 2011 - on Mother#39;s Day one
  • 2011 - on Mother#39;s Day one

  • WiiDSmoker
    May 6, 07:21 AM
    I'm not letting AT&T off easily, but I still argue that half of the problem is the iPhone itself. When I'm the only person with an iPhone and everyone else around me is on old cell phones on the same network and they have 5 bars and I have no signal, there's a problem.

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  • jefhatfield
    Oct 12, 12:39 PM
    Originally posted by snoopy

    True for many of us. For applications that use a lot of math functions, it makes a big difference. So, for others it does matter. They may be in the minority, but a very important group of users. In less than a year the picture will change, and that small group will be very pleased with the Mac. For now, there is nothing anyone can do about it.

    those math functions are extremely complex and hard to do fast if we stay way behind the curve of the pc world

    i was in this computer repair class where we had to do the math, some of the math that a processor did, so we could appreciate that little thing

    in the old days of computing, way back when in the 1970s, many computing funtions had to be done by phd mathematicians and there were very few silicon "math co-processors"

    early computer science college programs were thus a lot like math's so funny, actually sad, to see how many older, math literate techies were completely unable to relate when gui came was like the great slaughter in silicon valley...we take the mouse and gui for granted but not only did it take away jobs, it also was a curve ball many inflexible older techies could not adjust to

    change is never easy in the IT field and that is why it is rare to see anybody go from mathematician with vacuum tubes to green screen coder to gui to "whatever" the future holds

    i also had a friend who had memorized hundreds of key combinations like ctrl-a and such and he only just learned to use the mouse two years ago...he took literally five years to learn how to use it with its two buttons...he could never remember, "was that right click, left click, double click, and where do i keep my fingers?"

    i could go on with old man stories from the trenches of san jose, but i will stop NOW ;)

    if you started with a mouse, it only takes a few weeks to learn how to interact with windows and modern computers

    one family friend, a computer professor at stanford, never got used to gui and he still uses his trusty 286...he says he can't think when there is more than one color on the screen and he never got used to the mouse

    kind of the way i feel like when i use "hex-pee" or i try to play a game console thingy like x-box with all those a ten year old yanks the keypad/console from me at the computer store and memorizes the keys and buttons within minutes as it relates to that game being played


    mothers day quotes from kids. Where to Find Mothers Day
  • Where to Find Mothers Day

  • skunk
    Mar 11, 03:55 PM
    2149: The Kyodo news agency is now citing a safety panel as saying that the radiation level inside one of the reactors at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant is 1,000 times higher than normal.

    Looking hairier by the minute. :eek:

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  • iphone3gs16gb
    Apr 23, 10:46 PM
    Because we are smart intellectual people who believe in science and it's God given power :)

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 9, 11:35 AM
    I do think the market can sustain 4 companies, perhaps even especially the casual market which is significantly larger. I would challenge you to answer why you think the smaller top-end console market can sustain 2 large players, but the broader casual market could not?

    Unless Apple pulls a rabbit out of it's hat with Gaming, I'd think that iOS games would be more geared towards families and multiplayer... but not at the same level as something like Halo on XBox, but more like the Nitendo Wii games.

    Given this, I think the systems that need to worry is Playstation (they've been having their own issues) and Nitendo given iOS games could easily take on the Nitendo market.

    However, what's to say that Nitendo couldn't port some more popular games to iOS? It would be a killer combo and would expand their revenue stream to what could be a huge competitor.

    IMHO, I think Nitendo should be talking to Apple and make it happen.

    mothers day quotes from kids. mothers day quotes from the
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  • leekohler
    Mar 27, 11:12 AM
    It lies at the supposed heart of Joseph Nicolosi's and NARTH's work. It's nonsense.

    Of course it is. Gay men don't want to be be women and lesbians don't want to be men. We weren't coddled too much by one parent or another. That NARTH garbage is just that- garbage.

    "There is simply no sufficiently scientifically sound evidence". Anything outside that, obviously barely qualifies as evidence. Not wishing to get bogged down in a tired to and fro about semantics or anything...

    So what? That's exactly what he is. He bilks money from deeply conflicted people who feel ashamed of themselves. When the Surgeon General of the United States releases a report saying that "there is no valid scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be changed", then you can be assured that those on the opposite side of the argument have a bill of goods to sell.

    Let me ask you an important question. Is there any evidence, testimonial or reasoned argument that would lead you to change your mind?

    You know the answer to that. People like Bill will never see us as OK, no matter how much proof they're given. The hate us, and disguise their hate as some twisted form of "love". It's sickening.

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  • hondaboy945
    Sep 20, 12:57 AM
    I really hope that someone from Apple reads these forums, I am sure it gets back to Apple, anyway I hope they do it right. Or there will be alot of disappointed people and money lost.

    mothers day quotes from kids. mothers day quotes for cards.
  • mothers day quotes for cards.

  • r0k
    Apr 11, 01:11 PM
    i miss wasting most of my time waiting for windows to start up / shut down / update / virus scan / defrag / pop up warnings / etc. :rolleyes:


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  • kupua
    Oct 16, 09:00 AM
    Ballmer should consider giving a marketing contract to Gartner!

    mothers day quotes from kids. mother day quotes.
  • mother day quotes.

  • Nicky G
    Apr 15, 01:04 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Excellent, moving, admirable video. Adobe just released a fantastic one as well.

    Let's get real for a second -- LGBT individuals are still the primary group in our country that in many circles it's still totally alright to **** on, openly. Half the population is fat, I don't think your average fat kid takes as much **** as your average gay or transexual kid. Studies show suicide rates for LGBT teens are much higher than for other groups.

    I literally tear up when I watch these It Hets Better videos. I think it's very, very honorable that so many corporations support their staff with these projects.

    Oh, and to folks saying Apple should ne careful because they might alienate some bigoted customers? I'm pretty sure they don't give a crap, nor should they.

    mothers day quotes from kids. mothers day quotes from the
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  • Doraemon
    Aug 29, 02:19 PM
    I have to say, I am APPALLED by the irresponsible attitude of some people on this forum (and probably the world). Businesses, corporations, governments, AND individuals should all be behaving in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This is in no way "anti-progress". When did you all gain the right to be so selfish, self-centred, and bigoted in your beliefs?

    So am I.

    mothers day quotes from kids. Mothers Day Quotes From Kids Timeline
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  • Apple OC
    Apr 22, 09:03 PM
    Because it's harder to imagine that an intelligent designer had a hand in it than it is to imagine that everything happened by chance?.

    Intelligent Designer? ...

    try to imagine how things could evolve and change over 4.5 Billion years ... that's right Billion.

    to think that the earth is only several thousand years old ... IMO is not intelligent or rational thinking.

    mothers day quotes from kids. mothers day quotes
  • mothers day quotes

  • Don't panic
    Mar 14, 05:10 PM
    I believe that massive solar energy farms in the Sahara and other deserts, servicing whole landmasses, like the EU proposal, is the way to go. If the price goes up to pay for the infrastructure, the rationing effect can only be a good thing. Safety, certainly, is hardly an issue.

    that could be one way to go, another would be having sun/wind farms in the middle of the ocean, to be moved out of the way when weather comes along.

    one problem with this off-site approaches is that you still have to transfer the energy long distance

    mothers day quotes from kids. Mother#39;s Day
  • Mother#39;s Day

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 15, 12:28 PM
    I agree with WestonHarvey1. The lifestyle of the Catholic and that of a member of the LGBT community is not easily reconcilable, if at all. Then again, it's not reconconcilable with an ever increasing portion of the population so I feel the problem lies with the church, and not the community at large. Shame how such a noble project has been pulled OT by religion but it does tend to do sh:t like this.

    mothers day quotes from kids. mothers day quotes in spanish.
  • mothers day quotes in spanish.

  • CuttyShark
    Apr 12, 11:08 PM
    Hard to take anyone seriously as a professional who uses Adobe. Avid, sure, but the industry has moved to Final Cut Pro, at least the part of the industry I interface with.

    You calling this Final Cut a "toy" after it was just presented to a room full of professionals who loved it seems odd. Why the need to diminish it when it is clear that if you werent' there, there's much we don't yet know?

    Adobe Photoshop and After Effects are not 'pro'? Please explain that to me. I never said Premiere. I made the switch to FCP in 2005 after 10 years of solid AVID work, yet I still use them both - just depends what job I'm on and who I'm working for. I stand by what I say - It looks like a fun 'toy' to play with. I have my doubts when it comes to some serious sound track organization and color correction. Reminds me a lot of when someone gave me a demo of Speed Edit by Newtek. It's really interesting how alike these seem to be.


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  • quot;My mother had a great deal of

  • ACED
    Mar 18, 04:15 PM
    Like, where's my credit for providing Macrumors with the link/story, about 8 hours ago???

    Guess that 'DRM' has been stripped....hmmm...the irony

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  • sam10685
    Sep 12, 06:04 PM
    I'm really impressed with the price. Obviously they're not gonna talk about all the features this early, but so far it looks good. Will it record TV? I guess "no."

    i have an extremely good feeling it will. i also have an extremely good feeling that they will launch this thing prior to christmas for two reasons... Why would they anounce something this cool in september and not release it by christmas? also, Apple has a history of doing weird stuff like releasing stuff early. "yeah... we're going to start this Intel transition in 6 months." *4 months later, Intel transition starts.*

    Apr 28, 08:25 AM
    Apple leads. The PC you use today runs an OS that got its inspiration from Apple popularizing the GUI in the marketplace. The smart phone you use today gets its design cues from the iPhone.

    I'm not really that surprised that my iMac and iPhone get their inspiration and design cues from Apple. :p

    Apr 12, 11:26 AM
    Boy, I've read the first few pages of this thread and have come to the overwhelming conclusion that most people posting differences on here between Windows/OSX simply don't know how or haven't learned yet how to fully use OS X. The majority of complaints seem to simply be people who don't know the key commands to do what they're blaming OS X for lacking. If something is that disruptive to your workflow why aren't you guys doing the minimal amount of research it would take to solve the issue?

    Apr 9, 07:46 AM
    Apple will buy Nintendo eventually.

    It's over for Nintendo.

    Get ready for the iwii


    Mar 12, 04:53 AM


    Agh, you're too quick for me and quoted me before I edited my post. I was thinking exactly that scene but was confusing helium instead of hydrogen.

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Common sense would tell you the reactor itself didn't explode some 4 hours ago.

    I never said the reactor exploded. I suggested we were in the process of witnessing a full on meltdown. I'm not wrong yet, although I hope I am.

    Edit - BBC journalist now saying live on TV that they've been stopped 60km from the nuclear plant, so that official 10-20km radius is just more of making it seem not as bad as they know it really is.

    Apr 12, 10:51 PM
    So this is basically a jazzed up Final Cut Express and the pros have been shown the door. Why am I not shocked about this. :mad:

    Someday I'll tell my kids that Apple was the company for pros to which they will laugh in disbelief; kind of how I do now when old people tell me that American cars were once high quality.
    So exactly what "pro" features were removed with this release?

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